Crafts shells against Division I developed a good adhesion, fine particles of conductive paint, throughout the country there are more customers choose Division I products. 针对工艺品贝壳我司开发了一种附着力好,颗粒细的导电漆,目前有全国各地有较多的客户选用我司产品。
Preparation of Carbon Black-Silicon Carbide Contained Conductive Paint and Study on Its Conductivity 炭黑/碳化硅复合导电涂料的制备及导电性能研究
Thus, in general, the conductive paint spray method and the electroless plating method have been currently used. 这样,目前普遍使用的是导电涂料喷雾法。
The optimum formulation of the conductive paint was given and the factors affecting the performance of the paint were discussed. 通过大量试验确定了导电涂料的配方,讨论了影响导电涂料性能的因素,并对其物理性能、耐蚀性能及导电性能进行了测试。
Effects of New Coupling Agent and New Binding Agent on Copper-Epoxy Resin Conductive Paint 新型偶联剂和特种固化剂对铜-环氧导电涂料的影响
Application of Sb-SnO_2/ barite ( SSB) conductive powder in conductive paint and shield property of coated layer 重晶石基锑掺杂SnO2导电粉末用于导电涂料及其屏蔽特性
A Conductive Paint for Electric Power System Ground Net 电力系统接地网导电涂料的研究
The domestic and international development of the conductive paint was reviewed. And the classification and the conductive mechanism of all kinds of conducting paints were introduced. 本文首先综述了导电涂料的发展历史,以及目前国内外的发展情况,介绍了导电涂料的基本分类:本征型导电涂料及掺合型导电涂料,阐述了各类导电涂料的导电机理。
Relationship between the nature of conductive filler ( charging quantity, shapes and particle size) and the conductive performance of filled conductive paint is discussed. 讨论了导电填料的填充量、形状、粒度和填充型导电涂料导电性能的关系;
To produce good conductive copper-epoxy paint, a new kind of coupling agent of organic titanate is added, and it's using and effect is studied. 为制得具有良好导电性的铜-环氧导电涂料,考虑加入了一种复合单烷氧脂肪酸型钛酸酯偶联剂,并对偶联剂的用量及其在涂料中的作用进行了研究。
Some main problems to be solved for copper-filled conductive paint are indicated. 提出了铜系导电涂料尚需解决的主要问题。
A new coupling agent and a new binding agent were used in developing copper-epoxy resin conductive paint. 在铜-环氧导电涂料的制备中,应用了一种新型偶联剂A和特种固化剂B。
Development of Pallor Static Conductive Anticorrosion Paint 浅色导静电防腐涂料的研制
Conductive Paint Technology of Copper-Epoxy Resin Composite 环氧-铜粉体系导电涂料的制备工艺
Study on brass composite conductive paint 黄铜系复合导电涂料的研究
A composite conductive paint based on copper powder and epoxy resin was developed, and the effects of curing agent, copper powder and binding agent on the conductivity of paint were discussed. 研制了一种以环氧树脂为基料的铜系导电涂料,讨论了固化剂用量、铜粉含量、钛酸酯偶联剂JSC的用量以及处理方法对涂料导电性能的影响,并分析了原因。
Conductive network and condition of conductive powder in conductive paint were primarily discussed, it is indicated that well dispersion and network formation of conductive powder in paint is the key to keep better conductive property of paint. 进一步探讨了导电粉末在导电涂料中的导电网络及赋存状态,认为导电粉末在涂料中的良好分散性并形成网络结构是确保涂料导电性的关键。
The influence of organobentonite on sedimentation ratio, viscosity, thixotropy, film conductivity and micromorphology of the copper based conductive paint is investigated. 研究了有机膨润土防沉剂对铜系导电涂料的沉降率、黏度、触变性、涂层导电性及显微形态的影响。
A Study on Carbon black-urushiol formaldehyde Resin Conductive Paint 炭黑&漆酚醛树脂导电涂料的研究
Furthermore, conductive coating is a new particular kind of paint, which has been widely used in electromagnetic materials, plastic, rubber, synthetic fiber, and electronic product. 此外,导电涂料是一种新型特种涂料,广泛应用于塑料、橡胶、合成纤维、电子产品等的抗静电和电磁屏蔽。